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  • Writer's pictureIneka Estabrook

Mama Bear

Updated: May 1, 2020

I am trying to help you here!

That's what Mama Bears do.

They help. They protect. They nurture growth. They love fiercely. They teach.

They rip anyone apart who tries to hurt their cubs. Mama Bear is the word for protective mothers, especially, but it can be for anyone who protects.

That's me in a nutshell. I'm a Mama Bear.

I was born a Mama Bear and I became a teacher because I'm a Mama Bear but didn't get my full roar on until my son came out as gay when he was twelve. I've been roaring ever since, protecting my son, helping my students, and being a fierce advocate for all sorts of people who are vulnerable.

There's a word in German for someone who tries to help too hard and ends up hurting. Bärendienst. I've done that, too. I try hard not to but sometimes I fail.

Bless my heart.

(Bless your heart is a polite southern expression for, "Oh, dear, you're a mess.")

What can I do for you?

I give my heart and soul to my students. I help you find confidence when you speak and joy when you learn. I help you make English serve your needs. I learn more from my students than they will ever learn from me, but my goal and purpose in life is to help you follow your dreams.


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