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  • Writer's pictureIneka Estabrook

Pronounce /æ/ in cap, /ʌ/ in cup, and /ɑ/ in cop

Updated: Dec 3, 2020

How to make the /æ/ in cap, /ʌ/ in cup, and /ɑ/ in cop sounds:

The /æ/ in cap is a short sound. The jaw drops and the tip of the tongue presses into the bottom teeth.

The /ʌ/ in cup is made with the mouth entirely relaxed with the tongue resting on the bottom of the mouth.

The /a/ sound in cop is long and comes from the back of the mouth. The lips are relaxed, the tongue is down, and the mouth is open wide. Imagine you are holding a hot potato in your mouth and you don't want to touch it.



Practice Reading:

Jan had a cat named Lucky, who was truly a lucky cat. Jan discovered Lucky on a hot, sunny day stuck in a stack of wood behind the summer cabin. Lucky’s paw was caught fast in a trap and he couldn’t get loose. Jan pried his paw out of the trap, and doctored his cut. He had been stuck fast for a couple days at least and was quite hungry and thirsty. Jan put out a cup of water and some food for the poor cat. After that, Lucky wouldn’t leave her side. He moved into Jan’s cabin and that was that. Jan had a new cat. Lucky lost his lust for wandering and stuck close to home now.

Learn more:

#EnglishPronunciation #PronunciationOf/æ/and/ʌ/and/ɑ/ #EnglishPronunciationOf/æ/and/ʌ/and/ɑ/ #/æ/and/ʌ/and/ɑ/ #/æ/and/ʌ/and/ɑ/ SoundInEnglish #/æ/and/ʌ/and/ɑ/ soundPracticeReading #HowDoYouPronounce/æ/and/ʌ/and/ɑ/ / #/æ/and/ʌ/and/ɑ/ soundPracticeReadingForAdults #EnglishPronunciation/æ/ #PronunciationOf/æ/ #EnglishPronunciationOf/æ/ #/æ/ #/æ/SoundInEnglish #/æ/SoundPracticeReading #HowDoYouPronounce/æ/ #/æ/soundPracticeReadingForAdults

#/ʌ/SoundPracticeReadingForAdults #EnglishPronunciation/ʌ/ #PronunciationOf/ʌ/ #EnglishPronunciationOf/ɑ/ #/ɑ/ #/ɑ/SoundInEnglish #/ɑ/SoundPracticeReading #HowDoYouPronounce/ɑ/ #/ɑ/SoundPracticeReadingForAdults #/æ/and/ʌ/and/ɑ/ WordPairs #DifferenceBetween/æ/and/ʌ/and/ɑ/ #BatBet #/æ/and/ʌ/and/ɑ/MinimalWordPairs #ShortA #a #ShortE #e #ShortO #o #CapCupCop #CopCapCup

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