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  • Writer's pictureIneka Estabrook

Silent Letters

Updated: Jul 28, 2020

Silent letters are one of the trickier things in English Pronunciation. Like so much else with English phonetics, it is not easy to figure out by looking at the word.

Nonetheless, there are some patterns:

The Silent B:

In words that end in MB, the B is usually silent.

comb, climb, plumber, tomb, dumb, bomb, numb, thumb, womb

If MB is in the middle of a word, the B is usually pronounced.

stumble, bumble, tumble

BT is another common silent B pattern.

debt, subtle, doubt

The Silent K

In words with KN, the K is always silent.

know, knot, knee, knife, knight, knock, knack, knapsack, knickers, knuckle

The Silent P

In words with PS, the P is always silent.

Psychology, psychiatry, psyche, psychological, psychotic or pseudo

In words with PN, the P is always silent.

pneumonia, pneumat, pneuma

The Silent C

In words with CS, the C is silent.

Muscle, miscellaneous, scene, ascend, ascent, descent, fascinate, fluorescent, incandescent, obscene, scene, scenario, scented

The Silent G

In words with GN, the G is usually silent.

gnarl, gnome, gnaw, gnat, gnash, gnostic

Exceptions: when the G and N are in a different syllable:

stagnate, smugness, pregnant, signal, magnet, cognition, eggnog, hangnail, recognize

In words with GH words, the H is silent and the G is pronounced.

ghastly, ghoul, ghetto, ghee, ghetto, spaghetti

GH can be pronounced as a /f/ at the end or in the middle of a word.

laugh, tough, enough, cough, laughter

GH can also be silent.

alight, light, high

The Silent L

There is no good rule here, you just have to memorize these.

folk, salmon, talk, walk, could, should, would, half, calf, chalk

The Silent S

S is usually pronounced, but there are a few words where it is silent.

aisle, island, isle, islander, islet, debris, apropos, bourgeois, faux pas, rendezvous

The Silent H

H is silent at the beginning of some French words,

heir, honest, honor, honorable, hour, herb (American English)

The Silent N

In words with MN, the N is silent.

hymn, damn, solemn, condemn, column, autumn

Exception: when MN are in different syllables, they are both pronounced.

alumni, gymnast, warmness, slimness, insomnia, omnivore

The Silent T

If ST is in the middle of the word, the T is usually silent:

listen, whistle, hustle, jostle, apostle, bristle, thistle or wrestle



Practice Reading:

Knox, the plumber, climbed out of his car on Thistle Lane, grabbed his knapsack with his tools and hustled up the walk to the brick house. It was dark at this late hour and the light was on as he knocked on the door. The damn owner took forever to answer the door and Knox was cursing softly to himself. They should be answering the door immediately, it was so late! When the door finally opened, he could see the owner in the dim light. She was coughing and ghastly pale and Knox immediately felt ashamed of his impatience. Miscellaneous debris was piled high through the house and Knox weaved his way through the towering aisles. What a mess. Plopping his knapsack down in the kitchen, he wrestled out his tools and got to work.

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