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  • Writer's pictureIneka Estabrook

Pronounce /dʒ/ in juice

Updated: Jul 28, 2020

How to form the /dʒ/ sound:

For the /dʒ/ sound, you must stop the air completely at first and then release it.

Slightly parting your lips, press the sides of your tongue onto the sides of your teeth, round your lips. Press the flat of your tongue briefly to the top of your mouth to stop the air, then blow out through your mouth. This is a voiced sound, so put your finger against your larynx and feel your voice box vibrate.

Imagine making the /d/ sound right before the /ʒ/.



Practice Reading:

In January the weather is always bad in our region of Germany, and last January it was particularly horrible. My wife, Jane, has a birthday in July, so I surprised her with a trip to Jamaica for the next year in January, just after Christmas. She was overjoyed and we were excited about our journey, our first major trip in years. We imagined lounging in the sun on the edge of the beach drinking Mai Tais of tropical juices and rum.

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