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  • Writer's pictureIneka Estabrook

Pronounce /j/ in yellow and /dʒ/ in Jello

Updated: Aug 1, 2020

How to make the /j/ and /dʒ/ sounds:

The /j/ in yellow is a voiced sound made with the lips relaxed. The sides of the tongue touch the sides of the back teeth, the body of the tongue pushes forward, and the tip of the tongue is not touching anything.

/dʒ/ in Jello the corners of your lips come in and the lips flare. Your teeth are closed and the body of the tongue is touch the roof of the mouth.



Practice Reading:

Yolanda was so jazzed for the day that she did a jig. She and her best friend, Yazmine, were going to have a gal’s day on the town, no husbands, no children, for the first time in years. They wanted to go to the yarn store, do a yin yoga class, soak in the jacuzzi after, and finally see a chick flick, one that both their husbands thought was a total yawn. After breakfast, Yolanda, kissed her kids goodbye, jumped in her jeep, and jaunted off to pick up Yazmine.

More practice with J and Y:

#/dʒ/soundPracticeReadingForAdults #/j/and/dʒ/WordPairs #DifferenceBetween/j/and/dʒ/ #YellowJello #y #j

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