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  • Writer's pictureIneka Estabrook

Pronounce /tʃ/ in chip and /ʃ/ in ship

Updated: Jul 28, 2020

How to make the /ʃ/ and /tʃ/ sounds:

The /ʃ/ sound in ship is formed by slightly parting your lips. Press the sides of your tongue onto the sides of your teeth, round your lips and blow out through your mouth.

The /tʃ/ sound in chip is formed with your mouth in the same position as the /ʃ/ sound.

The only difference is the tongue—it briefly touches the roof of your mouth to stop the air. Imagine making the /t/ before the /ʃ/.



Practice Reading:

Sharif and Charles went out for lunch at a Japanese restaurant, the Shogun. Charles ordered dish after dish of sushi, chewing happily on shrimp and washing it down with a bowl of chicken soup. Sharif was not excited about Japanese food. He wished for shish kabob and chai tea instead, but it was Charles’ choice, Sharif picked last time. After they ate, they pushed back their chairs, paid in cash, and went out to the shops. Charles needed a new pair of shoes and he knew a shoe shop close that was cheap. After a quick shopping trip, they headed out into the warm March sunshine to play chess in the park.

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