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  • Writer's pictureIneka Estabrook

Pronounce /u:/ in pool and /ʊ/ in pull

Updated: Jul 28, 2020

How to make the /u:/ and /ʊ/ sounds:

The /u:/ in pool is a long sound. Your lips are rounded, your mouth is tense, imagine the sound traveling through a straw and end in a W.

The /ʊ/ in pull is a short sound. Your mouth is relaxed, your lips are only slightly rounded, your tongue is high in the back of your mouth. Imagine a hot potato in the back of your mouth and you don’t want anything to touch it.



Practice Reading:

/u:/ is in red /ʊ/ is in blue

I was making cookies when I looked in the pantry for sugar and couldn’t find any. There should have been a full bag! I took a look in my cookbook, The Joy of CookingI needed a full cup of sugar. I promised my son, Luke, who’d played in the pool all day, that if he were good I’d make him cookies. I was tired and didn’t want to go, but I was a good mother and hoofed it down to the store, pushing through the overgrown bush by the woodpile, and carried home the full bag of sugar in the crook of my arm.

More practice with U:

#/ʊ/soundPracticeReadingForAdults #/u:/and/ʊ/WordPairs #DifferenceBetween/u:/and/ʊ/ #PullPool #ShortU #LongU #u

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