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  • Writer's pictureIneka Estabrook

Pronounce /w/ in wet and /v/ in vet

Updated: Jul 28, 2020

How to make the /w/ and /v/ sounds:

The /v/ sound in vet is a voice sound made by putting your bottom lip lightly against your top teeth and pushing air through it.

The /w/ sound in wet is also voiced, but it’s made by rounding your lips like you are going to give someone a kiss. Your teeth don't touch anything.



Practice Reading:

My cat, Vesper, had to visit the vet today. He’d gotten into a fight with a vile cat named Wesley and had very bad wound. Vesper was nervous, he’s very wary of vets. Dr. West, the vet, was so sweet, though, and even when Vesper whined, Dr. West just gave him a wee cat treat. Dr. West had to shave Vesper’s wound, wet it with iodine, and stitch it up. She gave me antibiotics, told me to keep the wound clean and call if it got worse. “Very well,” I said, and vowed to keep Vesper and Wesley far away from each other from now on.

More practice with V and W:

#/v/soundPracticeReadingForAdults #/v/and/w/WordPairs #DifferenceBetween/v/and/w/ #VetWet #w #v

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