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  • Writer's pictureIneka Estabrook

Pronounce /æ/ in bat and/ɛ/ in bet

Updated: Jul 28, 2020

How to make the /æ/ and/ɛ/ sounds:

The /æ/ in bat is short sound. The jaw drops and the tip of the tongue presses into the bottom teeth. The body of the tongue rounds upwards. It’s a longer sound, the lips are tight and the mouth is stretched open.

The /ɛ/ sound in bet is relaxed and short. The middle of the tongue rounds slightly up and the sides of the tongue rest on the bottom of the mouth. The lips and the jaw are loose and relaxed.



Practice Reading:

Dan put his bat down and headed to the locker room. All the other men on his baseball team joined him and sat sadly on the benches. It was packed in the locker room when the coach came in, angry. “You guys are acting like a pack of incompetent baboons out there!” he ranted. “I bet you couldn’t hit the ball if they sent it to you by balloon! You need to get your acts together and get your head in the game! Concentrate!” he yelled as he sent the men out to play the last quarter.

More practice with A and E:

#/ɛ/SoundPracticeReadingForAdults #/æ/and/ɛ/WordPairs #DifferenceBetween/æ/and/ɛ/ #BatBet #/æ/and/ɛ/MinimalWordPairs #ShortA #a #ShortE #e

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