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  • Writer's pictureIneka Estabrook

Pronounce /ʊ/ in bull

Updated: Jul 28, 2020

How to make the /ʊ/ sound:

The /ʊ/ in bull is a short sound. Your mouth is relaxed, your lips are only slightly rounded, your tongue is high in the back of your mouth. Imagine a hot potato in the back of your mouth and you don’t want anything to touch i



Practice Reading:

Brook was sitting outside on a cushioned wooden bench next to the flowering bush in her front yard. She had been reading a good book and couldn’t put it down, but she’d been distracted by a sound. It was the bellow of a bull in the field below. She stood up and saw that a wolf had sneaked into the pasture. A calf shook in fear as the bull stood his ground and wouldn’t let the wolf near the calf. The wolf attacked, trying to push past the bull, but the bull kicked it with a cloven hoof, driving the wolf back into the bush. Brook couldn’t look away—all that drama took less than a minute. Wow, she thought, that is one good bull.

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Jeanne St.John
Jeanne St.John
Apr 18, 2020

Such clearly written lessons and practice readings. Great job!

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