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  • Writer's pictureIneka Estabrook

Pronounce /ʌ/ in but and /ə/ in bottom

Updated: Jul 28, 2020

How to make the /ʌ/ and /ə/ sounds:

The /ʌ/ in but and /ə/ in bottom are both made with the mouth entirely relaxed with the tongue resting on the bottom of the mouth.

The /ə/ schwa sound is the most common sound in the English language and is in many of the unaccented syllables in longer words.

The /ʌ/ sound is in accented syllables and is slightly longer. It is formed the same, though.



Practice Reading:

A truck full of plums was putting along a sunny country road in July. The driver, Gus, was hot and thirsty but he had chugged the last cup of water from his mug many miles ago. He spotted a vendor’s hut shaded by an umbrella selling cups of soda plus sweet buns. The boy selling the soda was as cute as a bug and had a pup with him. Gus pulled up his truck to the hut and bought an entire jug of soda and a bunch of buns. The ice cold soda felt amazing going down under the heat of the sun and Gus was much relieved. He patted the pup, hugged the boy, and climbed back into his truck to finish his run.

More practice with U:

#/ə/soundPracticeReadingForAdults #//ʌ/and/ə/WordPairs #DifferenceBetween/ʌ/and/ə/ #ButBottom #//ʌ/and/ə/MinimalWordPairs #ShortU #Schwa #u

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