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  • Writer's pictureIneka Estabrook

Pronounce "s" consonant clusters

Updated: Jul 28, 2020

In Spanish, a word never begins with an "s" consonant cluster. Words that begin with an /s/ either are followed by a vowel (si, soy) or they are preceded by an /e/ (España, estrés). Spanish speakers tend to add an /e/ sound before these words. Street becomes “estreet”.

Practice the words and make sure you don’t add a vowel before /s/ + consonant.



Practice Reading:

Stephanie was one of my favorite students although that sounded strange to many of the other staff. She wasn’t quiet. She came in to the room like a storm, strutting, head held high as if she were on a star on the stage. She was surrounded by smart talk, the latest scuttlebutt, and swiftly moving chats. She made a stink if she thought something was unfair, which exasperated her schoolteachers. She used her strength to stick up for other students, though, the ones that were stressed out by school or were thought of as strange. Stephanie was everyone’s friend which was extraordinary and I loved her for it.

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